
Piercing the Veil of Culture

CULTURAL COMPETENCY IN FAMILY PRACTICE Dr. Gitu Bhatia spoke at this event SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2013. Five panels of family law judges, mental health providers and attorneys presented a global view of marriage, relationship during marriage, divorce and its consequences, i.e. custody, support & division of property.

Family Dispute Resolution Statewide Educational Institute

The team, Gitu Bhatia, Pys.D., Abbas Hadjian, J.D., CFLS, Diana Martinez, J.D., Linda Bortell, Psy.D. will present the professional workshop: “Cultural Complexities in Family Law Matters” at this event, on  April 15th, 2011, 10:00a.m – 12:00p.m.

Cultural Complexities in Family Law Matters

Gitu Bhatia, Psy.D., will present “Cultural Complexities in Family Law Matters” , on February 12, 2011, 2:30- 4:30p.m. This presentation will feature Dr. Bhatia, Abbas Hadjian, Esq. and Diana Martinez, Esq.  Together, they operate the blog, , which features the discussion of cultural issues in family law. Event Info: The Association of Family and Conciliation […]

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